If you tend to get headaches all the time but don't have an illness or medical condition, take a look at the things you do and don't do in your life. Sometimes, how you live can create stress and tension in the muscles and nerves of your face.
The blood circulation in your face, head and neck can also be compromised by tension and stress. Learn why you have headaches and how you can alleviate them naturally.
Learn Why You Have Headaches
Headaches can affect any area of the face and head. The pain may begin in one location and radiate to others. Some of the most bothersome types of head pain are tension headaches around the eyes and in the forehead.
Stress can also create tension around your eyes and in your forehead. If you tend to suffer from eye or forehead pain, stress could be the culprit behind it.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, stress is a leading factor for headaches. Stress from work, parenting, and even school can trigger head pain, especially if you tend to worry or feel anxious about things.
These negative problems can potentially affect many areas of your body over time. In many cases, your headaches can become worse if you develop high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, or a poor immune system.
Some conditions damage the blood vessels and nerves that travel your face, head and neck. Damaged tissues will have problems transmitting signals to your brain. The tissues can also prevent oxygen-rich blood from reaching your muscles. Your headaches worsen in response to the changes going on with them.
Yoga breathing can help you relax the muscles in your face and head, as well as alleviate tension on the nerves that travel through your muscles.
Learn How Yoga Breathing Helps
Yoga consists of many unique techniques that range from simple breathing techniques to advanced meditation and flexibility poses. Each technique is designed to alleviate the things in your body that lead to pain, including head pain caused by stress.
Beginners usually learn how to breathe properly in yoga. Most people use the top portion of their lungs to breathe. In addition, and according to Shape.com, other individuals place more focus on inhaling, or breathing in, than they do exhaling, or breathing out.
The best pain and stress relief benefits come from using your entire core, which includes your diaphragm, abdomen, and pelvis.
Your lungs pull in more oxygen when you use your core to breathe in and out. The fresh oxygen provides your body's cells the nutrition they need to regenerate and fight inflammation and pain.
The rush of good air also alleviates tension in your face and neck.
Try This Breathing Exercise
Here is one breathing yoga technique you can do right now to ease your headaches.
1. Find a quiet place to perform your exercise.
2. Make the room as comfortable as possible by dimming the lights or closing the blinds.
3. Sit with your legs crossed at the ankles and back straight. Place your arms down by your sides, with the palms facing toward the ceiling or resting on your lap.
4. Close your eyes and tighten your pelvic muscles.
5. Inhale as you push the muscles of your abdomen outward.
6. Pull the air toward your diaphragm, which should tighten or get smaller as oxygen enters it. You should feel a slight tension in your diaphragm as the muscles work to hold the air inside it.
7. Pull your shoulders back as you inhale more air. Your chest should rise higher and shoulders move lower during this step. Your shoulder blades will move closer together as you obtain more air in your lungs.
8. Hold the air for two to five seconds, and then gently release it. You should feel your core relax and pull toward your spine as the air leaves your body.
Practice the breathing exercise once a day, preferably when you feel the onset of a headache or right before bed. Be sure to seek traditional yoga expertise to learn more helpful breathing techniques.
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is another beneficial way to prevent or ease your headaches. Psychology Today states that your brain's cells need adequate fluids, or water, to stay functional. Without enough fluids, your cells fail to thrive, and in some cases, may die.
Headaches involving your brain can be extremely painful. The pain can stay focused in one location, or it can spread all over.
You can experience other symptoms as well, including fatigue, eye pain and sinus pain. You can also develop pain in your neck and shoulders due to tension, particularly when you stand for long periods of time or work on a computer.
Squinting your eyes may become a concern, especially when you expose your eyes to bright light or the sun. If you wear contact lenses or eyeglasses, they may not work as well as before you become dehydrated.
Your eye doctor may prescribe a higher strength to solve the problems with your vision. In a number of cases, all you need to do is hydrate your body and the cells of your brain.
Focus on drinking plenty of water and unsweetened tea each day. The Mayo Clinic recommends that women drink nine cups of water each day, while men should drink about 13 cups.
If you choose to drink tea, be sure to select clear beverages, such as white and green tea. Clear beverages help keep your bladder and kidneys healthy.
You can monitor your input by using a daily calendar. Every time you drink water or tea, mark it on your calendar. It will help you keep track of when and how much fluids you consume regularly.
Also, consume fruits and vegetables that have high water content. Watermelon, grapes and kiwi are good sources of fruit. Zucchini, eggplant and cauliflower are vegetables that contain high water content.
Be sure to saute or blanch your veggies to prevent the loss of moisture in them. Baking and broiling can dry out foods, so be aware of this when you cook meals.
Get Sufficient Sleep At Night
Finally, get sufficient sleep at night, or take naps during the day as needed. Sleep allows your cells to regenerate and address the problems in your body.
Cover your eyes with a soft washcloth or eye mask. You need to keep out as much light as possible to help you sleep more comfortably.
If you cannot take naps during the day, retire to bed earlier than normal. Eventually, your headaches will begin to subside or reduce in occurrence.
If you simply cannot find relief from your headaches, even after trying the tips above, see a doctor for further assistance. Sometimes, headaches can be symptoms of an underlying health problem. Knowing why your head hurts can make your life so much better.
The post The Best Natural Ways To Treat Your Headaches appeared first on Organic Soul.